Thursday, February 22, 2018

Give, the Old-Fashioned Way, through American Cut and Seed Kitchen & Bar and Four Roses Bourbon Cocktail Promo

Help folks just by enjoying a cocktail or two. Through March 11, American CutThe Cut Bar and Seed Kitchen & Bar are observing “Old-Fashioned Month.” For every Old-Fashioned cocktail sold, promotion sponsors Four Roses Distillery and National Distributing Company will donate $1 to The Giving Kitchen. American Cut's Plank-Smoked Old-Fashioned blends Four Roses bourbon, maple smoke, AC bitters and caster sugar. Seed's Old-Fashioned includes Four Roses Small Batch, Cherry Heering, orange-infused turbinado syrup and walnut bitters. Call us old-fashioned, but when comparing donation options of sipping a cocktail or pressing “send” for internet donating, cocktail fundraising sounds more appealing and personable. Hometown nonprofit The Giving Kitchen provides emergency assistance to restaurant workers financially and through a network of community resources. Stop by American Cut or Seed, order up and say “Cheers!” You really will be adding cheer to the day of a hardworking hospitality worker in need. 

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