Saturday, July 9, 2016

These Birds are Outstanding in Their Field and Flying to Atlanta Restaurants during Pastured Poultry Week, July 11-18

Imparting superior taste and nutrition, enjoying a humane, less stressful life and leaving a positive environmental footprint are a few of the outstanding characteristics of pastured poultry. Georgia’s fifth-annual Pastured Poultry Week, July 11-18, shines the spotlight on these happy, sustainably raised campers and their poultry prowess. Restaurants across the state are flocking to join in by featuring pastured poultry on their menus. Here in the metro area, wing it to AriaBellina AlimentariGunshowMilton’s Cuisine & Cocktails and Seed Kitchen & Bar to gobble specialty dishes centered on pastured poultry.

Those hungry to learn more can attend the 
White Oak Pastures Pastured Poultry class at Bellina Alimentari on Monday, July 11. Bellina’s own chef Gizzy Barton will demo how to break down and cook a whole chicken during the 6:30-8 p.m. class. Buy tickets online. As they say, a pastured bird in the hand is, well, going to be delicious. 

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