Thursday, December 30, 2010

Setting Delicious Goals for 2011

We don't know who said it, but we do know that too often it's true:  a New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.  That's why we're impressed with the thoughtful and attainable resolutions set by some of our favorite Atlanta chefs and foodies.  Here's to your success!
  • Gena Knox, author of "Southern My Way," has an organizational goal that may even be on your list (it's on ours)!  "One major resolution is to get organized at work and home.  Cleaning out my emails, closets and getting my kitchen organized will reduce my stress tremendously!  I also want to try a new recipe (that is not mine) twice a week -- exploring new flavors and cuisines I don't normally prepare at home."
  • Claude Guillaume, general manager of Davio's Northern Italian Steakhouse in Phipps Plaza, pledges "to run a half marathon by March 31, 2011."
  • Kevin Gillespie, executive chef/partner of Woodfire Grill and "Top Chef" fame, has plans "to finally open Terminus City, my barbecue restaurant."  We're tying on our bibs and licking our fingers in anticipation!
  • Gerry Klaskala, Aria owner and executive chef, aims to get fit.  "I need to get back down to six-pack abs."
  • Jenny Levison of Souper Jenny keeps a finger in every pot and refuses to be tied to one resolution, vowing "to stretch as far outside the box as possible!"

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