And what's the perfect morning recipe without bacon? New to the market this year is Avondale Estate's Pine Street Market. They were serving samples of their Applewood Smoked Bacon and Sopressata Salami. Oh. Yes. Must buy this every week.
Also new is the Riverview Farms Meat CSA. Now you can sign up to get monthly deliveries of sustainable meats grown by nearby family farms just like you've signed up to get your regular delivery of produce/eggs/honey from Moore Farms! My friend Suzanne (that's her cool blue truck in the back of the bacon photo) can fill you in: suzanne@grassfedcow.com.

When it's early in the season and there's not a lot of produce yet, the artisans really fill out the market. Tracy Hartley does some cool stuff with recycled materials like the rooster art above. He has some work at Holeman & Finch and I was thinking maybe he should have some work at the new world headquarters of Melissa Libby & Associates. This would look good in a loft, yes? I also loved the ceramic lamb salt/pepper shakers by artist Karen Fincannon - she assured me I could find them on Etsy if I didn't purchase today.

Last stop of the day is always at Taj Ma-Hound. Norma Jean is a big fan, as are all the dogs who visit the market. Her cookies are so healthy and you should see the decorated ones - adorable! Since Norma's on a diet, I got her the Low Fat Cinnabones.

1 comment:
Melissa, now I HAVE to go next time I have a free Saturday morning. Thanks for the update!
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