Monday, March 30, 2009

Attention CPAs - Call Morton's Before Tax Deadline

I used to work for a CPA back in college when I thought that was what I wanted my career to be. Obviously I took a much different route. But years later I can still remember the intensity of the office from January through April. There was no question that I would work on weekends and we all dreaded giving the boss bad news for fear his head would explode. If only we had been able to sign up the boss for Morton's The Steakhouse CPA Appreciation Day on April 16.

Notify all your CPA friends that both locations of Morton's in Atlanta will pick a winner on Wednesday, April 15, to enjoy a complimentary steak and seafood dinner valued at $99.99 during their CPA Appreciation Day celebration on April 16. To enter, call Morton’s Buckhead at 404-816-6535 or Morton’s Downtown at 404-577-4366 before April 14 to submit your name, phone number and email address. Winners will be notified by phone on Tax Day and must bring proof that he/she is a CPA.

Morton’s The Steakhouse-Buckhead: Peachtree Lenox Building, 3379 Peachtree Road, NE; 404-816-6535. Morton’s The Steakhouse-Downtown: SunTrust Plaza Building, 303 Peachtree Center Avenue; 404-577-4366.

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